Home Sport Grass Sticks Bamboo SUP Paddles

Grass Sticks Bamboo SUP Paddles

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Grass Sticks was founded in 2014 in a garage in Steamboat, Colorado. Andrew Beckler, an engineer and skier, grew frustrated by the abundance of bent and broken ski poles on the mountain. He found himself going through multiple pairs of poles a year, so, he set out to create his own set. He chose bamboo for its flex and durability. Fast forward four years, and SUP and canoe paddles have been added to the collection.

Photo: Kellie Goff

Why Bamboo?

Standard carbon fiber ski poles and paddles are made from materials that are mined from the Earth. They are also industrially manufactured and mass-produced—these manufacturing processes require large amounts of energy and leave a hefty carbon footprint in their wake. Bamboo is an eco-friendly alternative as it produces three times as much lumber per acre harvested than trees. It also absorbs more carbon dioxide and produces more oxygen than any other plant. Additionally, bamboo is incredibly strong while still remaining flexible, making it an ideal material for ski poles and paddles.

Photo: Kellie Goff

The Verdict

I upgraded to a Grass Sticks bamboo paddle and I can easily say I haven’t looked back.  For starters, the paddle is absolutely gorgeous. Where once I was using an all black carbon fiber paddle, I am now using a paddle with a jungle print blade and an eye-catching bamboo shaft. The paddle is light yet strong, stunning yet sturdy, and flexible yet durable. I’ve surfed with my paddle, left it out in the sun, gone on road trips, and paddled my pup around the harbor and it hasn’t let me down.

I may not be a fortune teller, but I see more bamboo in my future. 😊

#Bamboo #GrassSticks #Sustainable #EnvironmentallyFriendly #paddle

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