Home Sport Product Review: LivBar Energy Bars

Product Review: LivBar Energy Bars

by admin

LivBar is a vegan, USDA certified organic nutrition bar packaged in a compostable wrapper. Available in five exciting flavors, the ingredients in LivBars are sourced from the highest quality Certified USDA Organic ingredients. AND, all the ingredients are listed in plain English right there on the label. What’s more, every LivBar is made in the company’s innovative solar powered facility here on the West Coast in Salem, Oregon.

Additional attributes include:

  • Organic, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, corn free, and GMO free.

  • They don’t melt or freeze which makes them perfect to carry with you while paddling or stash in your car for a quick post-paddling snack.

  • Provide balanced, sustainable energy with healthy fats, carbs, fiber and protein in whole food form.

Our Take

In a market seemingly saturated with products, each making similar, if not identical claims, LivBar has pulled off an upset by introducing an energy bar that is refreshingly unique and highly satisfying. We’re a bit food motivated here at PaddleXaminer and take it from me, LivBars are fantastic! They taste great and are the perfect portion size for a post-paddling snack. πŸ€—

If you are looking for a clean tasting energy bar that is highly portable, organic, and sustainably packaged by a small, family-owned business, LivBar is definitely for you. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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