Home Sport Beach Access granted at Malibu’s Paradise Cove

Beach Access granted at Malibu’s Paradise Cove

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For years, beach goers visiting Malibu’s quaint enclave at Paradise Cove were greeted by hand painted signs on surfboards stating, “No Surfboards”. The signage was never updated to include stand up paddleboards, however, the message was clear. Boards, no matter what the make or model, were excluded from accessing the beach.

That all changed today when an agreement was reached between Kissel Co., the operators of Paradise Cove, and the California Coastal Commission allowing surfers and paddlers access to the beach.

“We’ve never seen a violation of this magnitude resolved so quickly. Christmas came early for the coast this year,” said Steve Kinsey, Chairman of the Coastal Commission.

The operators of the secluded beach had been served with a notice stating they were acting in violation of the California Coastal Act and the terms of its lease for the Paradise Cove Pier. The agency had threatened to impose a daily fine of $11,250 until the dispute was resolved and all exclusionary signage had been removed.

The agreement is effective immediately and allows the operators to continue charging a $40 a day parking fee. Nevertheless, the move will undoubtedly be welcome by Southern California paddlers as another section of the California coastline becomes open to SUP.

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