Matthew Chebatoris Redline Rentals and Sales 5025 E. McKellips Mesa, Arizona Phone: 480-548-8921 Hours: 9am-5pm Rentals: Yes Lessons: Yes About Redline Rentals and Sales Paddlecraft brands on offer: Perception, Sierra, Great Lakes, Mirac, Redline, Creed, and Deep Paddle brands available: Perception, Sierra, Great Lakes, Mirac, Redline, Creed, and Deep Proximity to the water: 10 minutes to the Lower Salt River Products available: Kayaks, paddleboards, mountain bikes Is foo Matthew Chebatoris No Snow Stand Up Paddleboards 3654 N Power Rd, #104 Mesa, Arizona 85215 Social Media: @nosnowsup #nosnowsup Phone: 480-807-6787 or text 480-220-5379 Hours: 7 days/week or anytime by appointment Rentals: Yes Lessons: Yes About No Snow Stand Up Paddleboards Located in northeast Mesa, Metro-Phoenix’s third largest city, No Snow Stand Up Paddleboard shop caters to all things stand up paddleboarding. Being the first shop to open in the Valley of the Sun in 201 Matthew Chebatoris Lake Powell Paddleboards 836 Vista Ave, Page Arizona 86040 Phone: 928-645-4017 Hours: Daily 8:00 – 6:00 during the summer Rentals: Yes Lessons: Yes About Lake Powell Paddleboards The only SUP shop in Northern Arizona, they are proud to welcome tourists from all over the world. The shop is located approximately 15 minutes from Lake Powell, which lies inside the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Lake Powell Paddleboards has an inventory of SUP Matthew Chebatoris Riverbound Sports Paddle Company 1415 E. University Drive, #A-112, Tempe, Arizona 85281 Phone: 480-463-6686; Toll-free 855-777-6683 Hours: Open every day from 9:00 – 6:00. During the winter they are closed on Sundays from November 1st – March 1st. Occasionally, the shop may close for major events or races, but that’s pretty rare. Their eStore is open 24/7. Rentals: Yes Lessons: Yes About Riverbound Sports Paddle Company Yes, there is water in the dese Matthew Chebatoris Lake Powell Located at 4,000 ft above sea level and over 100 miles from the closest major city, Lake Powell epitomizes what it means to be one of the world’s top SUP destinations. The incredible canyons and natural landscapes are simply unlike anywhere else on earth. Imagine paddling through 500 foot deep red rock canyons that romantically meander for miles. Glide through narrow slots just wide enough for your board. Rent a houseboat with family and friends and disappear for
Waterman’s Landing 5166 Northlake Blvd., Carnelian Bay, CA 96140 Phone: 530-546-3590 Hours: Memorial Weekend to Labor Day Weekend, Daily from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. September – May, check their website for hours of operation as times may vary.
About Waterman’s Landing
The shop sits on the shores of Lake Tahoe, known around the world for its majestic beauty and crystal clear blue water. Owner’s Jay and Anik Wild are prominent figures the SUP community their Northern California shop is highly regarded for delivering quality service and expertise in the sport of stand up paddling.
Lake Tahoe boasts a vibrant paddling scene and the Landing has a fully stocked inventory of NSP, Bark, Surftech, 404 and SIC boards accompanied by paddles from Quickblade and Hippo Stick. Board rentals are available and the shop stocks a wide range of paddle sport accessories. The shop also doubles as a full service deli restaurant and coffee shop and is frequented by visitors and locals alike. Waterman’s Landing sits on the only dog friendly beach at Lake Tahoe and canines are welcome to lounge on the shop’s patio and take in the view with their owners. If you find yourself close to the area, you could look into Lake Tahoe rafting and many other leisurely activities.
Around the Area
For the best breakfast and lunch in the area, look no further than Waterman’s Landing and be sure to try their famous bacon jam and organic coffee. If it is later in the day, you may wish to consider dining at Garwood, an iconic Tahoe lake-front restaurant and bar located right next door. There is also a good pizza joint across the street known as CB’s Pizza.
Training Opportunities
Stand up paddling lessons are available Waterman’s Landing and formal training opportunities exist with the shop’s Team Tahoe Waterman training groups and race team under the auspices of Paddle Elite Fitness. Within this structured fitness program, paddlers have the option to participate in private or group fitness classes and paddle coaching tailored to the specific needs of paddlers of all ages and abilities.
Nearby Events
Waterman’s Landing is the host of the annual Tahoe Cup Waterman’s Paddle Jam The long running Tahoe Nalu is held nearby and the ever popular Race the Lake of the Sky takes place at El Dorado Beach in South Lake Tahoe. Check the SUP Examiner Calendar for this year’s dates.
Map of the Area
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#404 #Quickblade #Surftech #watermanslanding #WatermansLanding #SICMaui #HippoStick #LakeTahoe #NSP #Bark
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The V3 is the current version of Vaikobi’s long running and immensely successful Ocean Racing PFD. Built on the tried and tested design of its predecessors, the V3 Ocean Racing PFD contains subtle refinements to enhance comfort and functionality. The V3’s unique features include:
A new soft wicking liner for improved moisture management
Slightly larger front pockets to fit larger devices
Larger hose guide tabs
Light gray side panels and mesh pockets
Pro Tip: The wicking liner is a great spot to write your name, phone number, and paddling club affiliation.
I’ve used all three versions of the Vaikobi Ocean Racing PFD and the enhancements made to the V3 contribute to making this my go-to PFD for outrigger, surfski, and SUP. Vaikobi’s V3 Ocean Racing PFD is highly likely the most comfortable, performance oriented PFD on the market. The Ocean Racer contains six adjustment points, four on the sides and one on each shoulder, so you can easily configure the straps to your desired comfort level. The larger hose guide tabs on the V3 are a much needed upgrade and the new wicking liner helps the PFD breath and is soft on bare skin. The later a definite bonus when paddling on hot days and for female paddlers wearing a performance bikini top.
Additional product features include:
Built to ISO 12402-5 standards
Soft, form fitting foam construction
Two fully closable mesh pockets with a lanyard
Lightweight and breathable
HiVis colors for maximum visibility
Hydration compartment with routing loops for the drink tube
No side panels
Padded shoulders
Front zipper
Like its predecessors, the V3 contains a hydration sleeve on the back panel. Having your hydration pack integrated into your PFD is a fantastic benefit and gives the model an edge over many of its competitors. The PFD is highly visible (four color options), contains two well positioned zipper pockets, and the full front zip makes the PFD easy to take on and off.
I was paddling off Redondo Beach this past fall in one of my outrigger club’s OC-1’s when the rear iako had a catastrophic failure and snapped on my return back to the harbor. I’m a capable swimmer, but there is no doubt that the fact I was wearing my Vaikobi PFD made the entire experience of swimming a quarter mile back to the harbor mouth with a busted canoe a bit more manageable.
When it comes to overall performance, the Vaikobi V3 Ocean Racing PFD’s lightweight and sleek, streamlined profile is the perfect complement for performance paddlers. I can’t imagine paddling without wearing mine. It’s so comfortable I sometimes forget to take it off!
BUOY WEAR Makes Sun Protection Effortless with New Water Sports Apparel Collection
Lifestyle brand BUOY WEAR has brought a water sports apparel line to market that makes protecting one’s skin while on the water easy-breezy due to the use of lightweight, moisture wicking, abrasion resistant and waterproof fabrics with a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating of 50.
Following its success with the innovatively new floating hat, which launched in 2017, BUOY WEAR has been developing apparel among other products, such as floating sunglasses. The apparel line evolved after receiving many requests and positive feedback on the brand’s branded hoodies used as rash guards by the team. “We wear BUOY WEAR branded UPF 50 hoodies for sun protection and promoting our brand at the same time while out on the water doing what we love,” said BUOY WEAR founder and CEO, John Ruffing. “When more and more water sports enthusiasts started to notice and request these shirts, it became clear they were looking for more sun-protective gear to wear on the water. We had to set the development of apparel in motion.”
All BUOY WEAR products reflect the brand’s motto to “never sacrifice function and never sacrifice style”. BUOY WEAR’s first apparel style, the High Performance Long Sleeve Rash Guard, is not only comfortable and stylish – the UPF 50 feature blocks harmful UV radiation, making it the most effective sun protection. Yes, even more effective than sunscreen, as water and heavy perspiration cause sunscreen products to lose their effectiveness. In addition, sunscreens can be harmful to the natural surroundings. What’s more, the High Performance Long Sleeve Rash Guard’s lightweight, moisture wicking fabric keeps one’s upper body comfortable all day long and dries quick. Without the inconvenience of reapplying costly sunscreen, one can enjoy more time on the water.
Features of the High Performance Long Sleeve Rash Guard:
UPF 50 rating provides built-in sun protection
Abrasion resistance
Moisture wicking fabric
Color-locking technology ensures color and logos endure
Waterproof logos
Set-in sleeves
The High Performance Long Sleeve Rash Guard comes in the colors black and blue, and in the sizes S, M, L and XL. It retails for $39.99 and is available exclusively on
BUOY WEAR is a lifestyle brand committed to creating revolutionary gear for water activities such as surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, SUPing, kayaking, sailing, swimming, boating and fishing. Operated by globe-trotting water sports enthusiasts, the brand introduced its first product, the ultimate floating hat, in 2017 to prevent users from ever losing their hats in the water again. For more information on the brand and its products, visit
The West Coast Gliders will host a timed race course this Saturday in support of California’s beloved Hanohano Huki Ocean Challenge. The 2021 Hanohano Huki Ocean Challenge has been forced to go virtual this year due to the risks associated with COVID-19. But you can still compete!
Meet up with the West Coast Gliders this Saturday on the water in San Diego Bay to take advantage of the opportunity to compete against local paddlers in a timed event.
Register for the virtual Hanohano Huki Ocean Challenge on PaddleGuru
Casio America, Inc., is pleased to announce the latest additions to its PRO TREK collection of outdoor timepieces – the PRT-B50T-7 and PRT-B50YT-1. The new PRT-B50T-7 and PRT-B50YT-1 boast a functional design with a wide watch face that incorporates a large, rotating resin bezel and Arabic numeral indices. The PRT-B50T-7 is outfitted with a silver titanium band, and the PRT-B50YT-1 with a Black IP titanium band which makes them easy to take from a professional setting to the great outdoors.
Like their predecessors, the new PRT-B50T-7 and PRT-B50YT-1 are equipped with a quad sensor technology that can detect compass bearing, barometric pressure/altitude, temperature, and steps. Using Bluetooth® and Casio’s Smartphone Link functionality, the timepieces can connect to the PRO TREK Connected app providing additional useful information for the outdoors, such as Route log, Calories burned, Location indicator and more! Additional features include world time (38 cities + UTC), water resistance up to 100 meters, a full auto double LED backlight, 1/100th second stopwatch, countdown timer, hand-retract function, full auto calendar, 5 daily alarms, and 2-year battery life.
Casio’s PRO TREK PRT-B50T-7 (MSRP: $330), PRT-B50YT-1 (MSRP: $380) will be available this spring at select retailers nationwide. For additional information on Casio’s PRO TREK collection of timepieces, please visit
You have a lot of choices when it comes to staying hydrated. There’s gatorade, powerade, and various other brands out there, but they all tend to be loaded with sugar, plus they come in single-use plastic bottles. Drinkfinity challenges this notion with their sustainable bottles and juice pods! I know what you’re thinking, what are pods? Well, they are small 1.42 oz (42 ml) plastic pods which contain concentrated juice which can be mixed with water to provide maximum hydration! The pods come in nine different flavors including Watermelon Lemonade and my favorite Mango Coconut Water.
The juice pods are packed with simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or sweeteners. This means any sugar in the juice is natural juice from the fruit. The pods are simple to use but it’s still best to read the instructions the first time.
Pro tip – Firmly push the pod onto the top of the bottle and shake it vigorously!
PaddleXaminer tested the Drinkfinity clear bottle over the last few months. The bottle comes in a nice cylinder shape which is easy to grip. There is a magnet in the lid and on the side of the bottle so the lid doesn’t flap around when unscrewed. The lid comes off and reveals the pod piecer. I like to put a bit of ice in my bottle before putting in the pod to make it a cold drink, giving it that extra bit of refreshing taste. Now you’re probably thinking, how is this sustainable if I have to throw away the pods; well the pods are recyclable! Simply go to Loop website to request a bag and mail in your used pods. In addition to recycling the pods, have the piece of mind the pods use 65 percent LESS plastic than a typical 20 oz (591 ml) single-use bottle.
Drinkfinity products keep you hydrated and use less plastic than the competition! Check out their website for more details!
You have a lot of choices when it comes to staying hydrated. There’s gatorade, powerade, and various other brands out there, but they all tend to be loaded with sugar, plus they come in single-use plastic bottles. Drinkfinity challenges this notion with their sustainable bottles and juice pods! I know what you’re thinking, what are pods? Well, they are small 1.42 oz (42 ml) plastic pods which contain concentrated juice which can be mixed with water to provide maximum hydration! The pods come in nine different flavors including Watermelon Lemonade and my favorite Mango Coconut Water.
The juice pods are packed with simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or sweeteners. This means any sugar in the juice is natural juice from the fruit. The pods are simple to use but it’s still best to read the instructions the first time.
Pro tip – Firmly push the pod onto the top of the bottle and shake it vigorously!
PaddleXaminer tested the Drinkfinity clear bottle over the last few months. The bottle comes in a nice cylinder shape which is easy to grip. There is a magnet in the lid and on the side of the bottle so the lid doesn’t flap around when unscrewed. The lid comes off and reveals the pod piecer. I like to put a bit of ice in my bottle before putting in the pod to make it a cold drink, giving it that extra bit of refreshing taste. Now you’re probably thinking, how is this sustainable if I have to throw away the pods; well the pods are recyclable! Simply go to Loop website to request a bag and mail in your used pods. In addition to recycling the pods, have the piece of mind the pods use 65 percent LESS plastic than a typical 20 oz (591 ml) single-use bottle.
Drinkfinity products keep you hydrated and use less plastic than the competition! Check out their website for more details!